Friday, November 25, 2011

He Gets It From His Mama!

If there is one thing that my husband and I argue over (in a fun way) the most- it's who does Gage get his smarts from?

Of course, it's his mama! And, since he doesn't blog- I'll have the final word on here!

Just as proof, here is a video I shot this week of him...showing off his zillion animal sounds. And, lets remember, he's only 14 months old.

I hope to get a video of him up soon reading...that's right, he can read too! I'll let you believe it when you see it.

And, why is this on my "happiness" post? Because nothing makes me happier than having a smarty pants baby!!!!

Enjoy the video:

He's an artist, too!

One p-r-o-u-d mama,

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