Thursday, August 9, 2012


Wow! I never thought it would come to an end.

I was determined to make a personalized bedroom for our little boy and I think (think!) I accomplished just that.

Overall, we probably spent about $400 on the entire bedroom. This includes the overly priced toddler rails that keeps them from rolling out (conveniently pictured for you! Honestly, I didn't wanna take the time to remove them for the picture!). It also included the cost of the sheets and bed spread bought from Target. And, the nifty airplane blanket, and two airplane pillows bought from (for a REALLY good price!). The other larger "block" pillow I made myself- a simple pattern, but cute.

A few other things we bought:
- A small globe for the dresser
- A shelf and clock for the wall

The things we already had, thus our low  overall cost:
- Mattress
- Nightstands
- Dresser & mirror
- Lamps

If you've followed our entire progress, thanks for your time!

If you're new to what we've done, have fun looking over the past 5 posts. They'll keep you pretty entertained as we have become those CRAZY parents who will do anything for our children. No matter how much sanding and staining is involved.

Oh, I forgot to mention that we put together a 9,000 piece balsa wood model plane to hang from the ceiling. That's not pictured because I've yet to hang it. It took A LOT of time to put together and I'm 100% afraid that my 100% boy will tear it into 9,000 shreads.

Have a fantastic day!!!!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

BIG Project - Little Boy...Post #5

The final stretch is in sight!

This post= Embellishments.

1) I bought these prints from and the vendor "Paper Llamas"- she was Fabulous and highly recommended. She custom does the prints to match the colors of your room. They were $40 for the 4 piece set but they are printed on high quality canvas paper. They were our "splurge" for the room. But, worth it!
2) I bought the frames at the Dollar Store. Yes! The Dollar Store. They were bland and black, but that can be fixed with a little paint! I used brown, blue, black and gold to give them a personalized look. I think they turned out great!

1) I bought a wooden white letter "G" at Michaels. They're pretty cheap.
2) I found this nifty fabric in the scrapbooking section for $1.99- traced around the G and exacto knife cut the perfect shape.
3) Welcome back E-6000 glue. It'll hold anything together!

Night stand blocks:
1) I bought two sheets of scrapbook paper- one in a map motif and one with crazy numbers.
2) I printed out clip art of a plane and then the letters "FLY", used them as a template, and exacto knife cut these out of the scrapbook paper.
3) E-6000 glue came into play, AGAIN, and I glued the paper to left over cedar boards from the signs I created for the room.
4) They sit up nice and pretty all by themselves on the night stands.

The end...yeah- that'll be covered next week.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

BIG Project - Little Boy...Post #4

Do projects for our kids ever end? I'm believing- NO!

Here is project #4 for the man of the house...well, little man of the house. We better keep daddy as the main man of the house ;)


We were cleaning out my parent's pool shed and look at what we found! An old speaker storage case. My dad was in a gospel quartet in his younger years and he had this box from when they would travel. He was going to throw it away- it was an ugly blue- but I thought...I can SAVE THIS!

Again, we had to cure the ugly blue syndrome. This was done using Rust Stop primer. Why? Because I didn't want it to be shiny! I wanted a rustic luggage looking box. And, I accomplished just that!

It took some time to paint to make sure that we didn't cover any of the pretty silver embellishements.

Once it dried, I painted "Gage Preston Airlines" using the same antiqued white as the cedar signs.

I bought vintage luggage tags (adhesive ones) from for $10.00. There were 20 in the box! And, I think they're super cool looking!

Gage loves the box. He especially loves to hide in it.

So far, no toys are kept in it- it's a little hard to open. But, give that a few more months, he'll master the lock and key ;)

Hope you love it as much as we do!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

BIG Project - Little Boy...Post #3

While this is week 3 of the Big Boy Bedroom sequence, this is the MAIN project and has been going on for quite some time...NOT for the faint of heart!

This is the headboard- the focus- the death of this mama!

I thought it looked cool to have a pallet headboard. What I didn't think was cool was sanding that sucker for hours upon hours to make sure that my little sweetie didn't have any splinter hazards!

Here's how I built the masterpiece:
1) Find a pallet (this was easy, again, for me since we own a lumber company. But I'm pretty sure they're easy to come by anywhere!)
2) SAND...SAND...SAND...SAND...if you don't have an electric sander- stop now. Get one.
3) Sand some more...
4) Stain it- I used American Century Classic by Minwax. Love it.
5) Seal it with a nice poly- I used a satin finish because I didn't want the shine.
6) Create a "base" for it. This isn't pictured and isn't required if you're going to secure it to the wall, but I didn't want any more holes than necessary in his room. (I'm sure more holes will occur in his walls via being a boy as time rolls on).
7) Attach the bed frame. A twin size bed fits the pallet PERFECTLY.
8) Stand back and be proud- of the sanding, of course.

Again, we love it. Hope you do too!

Feel free to ask questions in the comment box below. I'll help as best I can.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

BIG Project - Little Boy...Post #2

Welcome to week #2, post #2, project #2 in the Big Boy Bedroom saga!

This week's project: THE Bulletin Board.

I started with a plain 'ol cork bulletin board found at Staples for $9.99. I bought a large antiqued map off of Amazon for $4.99 and got to work!

1) Cut the map to size
2) Use brown/black/gold paint to antique the edges of the bulletin board if you're going for the antiqued look
3) Use adhesive glue (I use E-6000) and glue that puppy to the cork board
4) Start getting "items" together to place on the board.

For my items:
- I bought this cool little Telegram made especially for the little man from (how cool!!)
- I found this neat little card with one of our favorite sayings "I love you to the moon and back"
- I made a "You Are My Sunshine" tag
- I created thumbtacks using Scrabble letters and that handy E-6000 glue

I LOVE LOVE LOVE how it turned out. I hope you do too!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

A BIG project for a little boy...the first of many posts...

So- I'm baaaaack! It's been a few months (sorry)- life just got really busy and honestly I couldn't think of interesting things to blog about. However- the big boy is almost 2 so I have LoTs to talk about now as we plan for his big birthday bash, create his new big boy bedroom, and start potty training (yikes!).

Thanks to Pinterest, his big boy bedroom was conceived. I will be posting on all of the different projects that went into creating the perfect "antique airplane suite"- there were about a zillion of them.

If you have questions about products I used or techniques, leave a comment. I'll be more than happy to share.

Here is info about project #1: antiqued signs (to be hung via chain on the walls in the new bedroom) - we cut a 1x6x10' cedar plank into random lengths but all around the 26" mark. We then nailed them to 3' long 1x4 cedar planks (this was easy access for me since we have a lumber company- but lowes would carry these items too and may even help you cut them!) - I then stained the signs in American Classic stain - let them air dry for 1 week - began painting my saying and hand drawing the plane. I painted with an off white acrylic to keep that vintage feel (special side note: to mark where you want to paint, use chalk! It's easily removed with a dab of water!!). - We screwed in cabinet door pulls and attached 50lb test chain. We bought special anchors to attach them to the walls, and we were sure to find the studs because these suckers were HEAVY! 

I hope you love them as much as I do!!! More bedroom stuff to it gets done. Remember- I'm a full time employee, full time mama and full time wife. Being a full time craftsman just doesn't always make the top of the to-do list! Have a great day!!!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

When you say "free food"....

Every time that the words "free food" are uttered in any way, the human tendency is to perk up their ears and turn your head. Here in the South, churches with Homecomings are always packed. Also in the South, tailgates are always packed.

What else is packed? The WONDERFUL restaurants that offer free food! My husband and I were just talking last night about different free food offers.

Here are a few that I have recently used...and one that I plan to use.
- Chick-fil-A: there are some locations that are still participating. It was in our hometown 2 weeks ago and yes, we were there first thing in the morning to get our chicken biscuit! Also, on this website you can sign up to be the first to know when Chick-fil-A has special offers in your area.
- Subway: this one isn't still usable, however you can still sign up to know when new offers are available. We used this one last week and the English muffin breakfast sandwich is fabulous!
- Brewster's Ice Cream: LOTS of free ice cream (or discounted) options on this website! Check them out! I'm planning on taking advantage of this one.
- FreeFly*s: so, this isn't food per se, but its still FREE!

Free makes me happy- hope it does you too,

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Who? The IRS?

April is right around the corner, and if you're like our family- we DREAD tax season. I mostly dread it because of all the paperwork that is needed for our company to file taxes. I feel like the paper pile higher and higher every year. But, I'll do whatever it takes to avoid an audit- which means, filing 100% truth and nothing but the truth. Even if you have to pay, it's better than going through an audit and potentially facing jail time, right?!?!?

This year is the first year that I have ventured out to file our personal taxes myself. I am using the AWESOME tool- TurboTax. For anyone who doesn't have a masters in accounting, I would highly recommend this tool. It's super easy to navigate and a ton cheaper than hiring a professional CPA to do your tax filing. And, it promises to automatically tag anything that is questionable (i.e. anything that the IRS would pinpoint as "sneaky")....haven't had that pop up! Thank goodness! The user can also tag items to come back to- which I use often as I'm waiting to put in additional stock information from my husband's family stock.

So, if you want to go out on a limb, try TurboTax. If you still don't have enough confidence in yourself, a CPA is worth the money!

Whichever you choose, think about these things:
1) If you bought a home in 2008 and took the new home buyer credit, that has to be's automatically taken out of your refund or added to the amount to pay. If you bought a home in 2008-2010 and took the credit but have since sold your house, the credit has to be repaid.
2) Student loans. Even if your parents are generous enough to be paying your student loan, the student is actually the one that gets to claim the loan interest and payments on their taxes. It's considered a "gift" from the parents that belongs to the student. Interesting, huh?
3) Remember ALL of your deductions. Churches, school fundraisers, Goodwill- all deductible. For Goodwill donations, you need that little piece of paper that they give you after you've dropped off goods. It has to have a 2011 date on it. And- you're only allowed to claim up to $500 per receipt unless you want to delve into itemizing your items donated with proof (i.e. pictures)- but who takes pictures of their stuff before donating?!?? Not me!
4) Remember ALL medical expenses- insurance, medicine, doctors visits, etc. These GREATLY add up in our family with a child and an adult with Type 1 Diabetes. Take the deduction!

Visit the IRS website ( it's really helpful!

Happy tax season (in a sarcastic tone),

Thursday, January 26, 2012

No Mama Likes a Nasal Bulb

The word "nasal bulb" makes the average person cringe. The word itself sounds yucky and it's equally disgusting to use. Just the sound of snot entering the "bulb" and then having to expel it onto your napkin of choice- GROSS!

Welcome to my health blog of the week! And, welcome to my pet peeve of kids with snotty noses!

Yesterday, I went home from work to find that Gage (our [as of today] 17 month old) has a runny nose. If there is one thing I despise, it is a runny nose. They seem to be uncontrollable and uncomfortable. Two things that my OCD nature cannot deal with.

Gage has (knock on tons of wood) never been to the doctor because of a sickness- a stat I would like to contribute to my vitamin intake, workouts, and eating habits while pregnant. He has had a few runny noses, all of which we control and eliminate at home.

This latest runny nose/congestion I'm fairly certain has to do with plenty of elements: going outside for a lengthy time on our ONE sunny day this week and being around TONS of snotty nosed kids in nursery at church.

Alas, we have the snot nose again and here's how we deal with it (again, without going to the doctor):
1- Fluids. I pump him full of as much water as he'll drink. Something I just found out today, and am glad I did, based off of, giving children milk while they're congested does more harm than good. The milk actually harvests bacteria growth and makes the sickness linger longer. Good to know mama's! Also, clear liquids are best and adding some lemon and honey kicks out that mucus faster.
2- Steamy baths. Gage likes to take a bath anyways, but we try to make sure the room is kept extra extra warm when he's congested. The steam helps break up the blocked nasal passages. If you have a dry house, a vaporizer is also great to use. In our house, we don't have this problem- we actually have too much moisture and use a dehumidifier (which we turn down when Gage is sick).
3- Chest rub. MMMMM- this is the one thing I love to deal with during sickness. The smell of Vick's vapor rub is so yummy and it help keep those little nostrils open during the night.
4- Elevated head during sleep. Make sure that a pillow of some sort is added to the crib (if your child is old enough to sit up on their own). This keep the draining flowing down and not back into their heads.
5- Nasal Bulb. VOMIT! That nasty little thing actually works. It is a good gag reflex, but it works. We "suck" Gage's nose on a very regular basis while he's congested. He's too young to know how to blow his nose on his own, so- we have to get it OUT!
6- Benadryl. We did call the doctor the very first time that Gage had a runny nose. His response: "don't bring him in, give him Benadryl. It will do better than anything I can prescribe." We bought the bubble gum flavor (which Gage loves) and we give him the dosage given to us by our doctor (1/2 tsp. every 4 hours).

Lucky for us, Gage usually beats the cold using these methods in 3 days.

Of course, if your child develops a fever/extremily thick mucus or has trouble breathing, I would highly suggest NOT using the 6 methods and going ahead to the doctor's office...

We would like to never ever have to use the nasal bulb, but that's like saying we'd like to never change a poop diaper again. It's just not going to happen. So, we use these 6 steps and we beat the cold.

Here's to snotty noses,

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Do You Jiggle When You Laugh?

How many of the readers out there resolved to lose weight in 2012? How many of you refuse to make such a resolution knowing that it'll never happen? Or, is there anyone like myself who would like to lose 3 pounds (yes, only 3, but it's like climbing Mt. Everest), but simply would rather continue my current workout regimen/eating habits than kill myself over 3 pounds. To be quite frank, I enjoy both- eating and working out. There is a happy median. I am happy every morning waking up at 5 am to go get my cardio on! I also am happy at 8 pm watching "Biggest Loser" while indulging myself with at least 1, maybe 3, white chocolate chip cookies (however, recently I have been cutting back to only 1 Skinny Cow ice cream per night).

I have a sweet tooth- I also have a desire to workout. Both make me happy- and yes, my belly jiggles when I laugh.

I thought about blogging about the skinny vs. fat perspective while in Sunday School. We were discussing how wrong it is to gluten. But, never once did anyone point out how wrong it is to starve yourself (until I did- I had to point it out!). We were each created specifically for our own bodies. Some of us are tiny- I have friends that weigh less than 90 pounds soaking wet with Arctic wear on. I also have friends that are 6 feet tall and still weigh less than me. But, that 90 pounder, the 6 footer, and me (the mommy)- all of us are happy with who we are. We all eat at every single drop of a hat- heck, this weekend we're getting together simply to eat chocolate! No lie, us girls love to eat and we are H-A-P-P-Y!

Happiness comes from being satisfied and satisfaction comes from acknowledging that your body isn't the same as the girl driving next to you. Some of us are mommies (we ALL know how that changes your body), some of us are naturally skinny, some of us aren't. But, whatever we are- we can't make ourselves unhappy just trying to change what God dealt us.

Read this blog that I found from a guy in Jamaica. Jamaicans call girls either skinny or fluffy- and I actually prefer the word fluffy to fat- at least it sounds like something fun to cuddle with!!! Read on....

I think the "skinny" and "fluffy" folks should be asking yourselves these questions:

Why do I want to gain/lose weight?
Is it because you think you're not attractive enough, you have low self esteem, you're too fat or too skinny? Whatever the reason may be, you just need to accept that you were born that way, and once you have done so you will realize that you are not going to care at what remarks people might say.

Not getting a guys attention?
Some people lose or gain weight because they feel they need a guys attention, but let me tell you this: for every one born into this world, there is a guy for you. Once you know this, you may or may not feel better, but it's true. There's going to be a guy who will tell you, "I love you".

People in society tend to bash skinny and fat people, and this leads to low self-esteem which can cause people to become reclusive or even depressed. The only way to overcome this trial in your life is to be strong and feel good about yourself. If someone says you're fat, you could reply, "I don't mind, GOD made me beautiful in my own way".

God made some "fluffy" and some "skinny"- He also made us strong, kind, and intelligent. Make the smart decision to be happy with yourself. Whether your one body type or another, be happy.

I jiggle when I laugh (but I laugh a lot!),

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Philanthropy- A Spelling Bee Winner!

If you ever want to have a kid that wins the spelling bee, teach them to spell philanthropy at age three! If you ever want a kid to succeed in life, teach them what philanthropy means. Philanthropy (for those of you unversed in Webster's dictionary) means: goodwill to fellow members of the human race (thank you, for that definition!).

Why is philanthropy on my "wealth" blog? Philanthropy is about giving, wealth (in a monetary since) is about getting? Right? Not really.

From the time I was old enough to manage money, I was taught to give more than I receive. We did the Angel Tree at Christmas for needy children, we give to local school fundraisers, we support non-profits in our county, and above all- we give back to God in our tithes.

If you feel blessed in life, don't you think it's time to share your blessings? If you feel strained in life, don't you think there are others out there that feel a bit more pinched? If you look at all you have- why not give a bit away?

Ways to give:
#1- Tithes. I'm not a holy roller- never have been, never will be. BUT- God deserves ALL we have. He gives us 100% of what we have, we should always give back to Him. Tithing has been the #1 way that Josh and I have been blessed in our personal finances. We budget (see my blog on budgeting) to give every single week. If we miss a week at church, we double tithe the next week. There is never a time that the offering plate passes our pew without a envelope from the Goodnight's- and there has never been a bill we've been unable to pay. You can't out give God. Give- I guarantee He'll provide.

#2- Donate your time. Time? What time? With a one year old I KNOW what you mean when you say time is limited. Time is sparse. But, donating your time is often more helpful than donating your dollars. I was the chair for a Ryan Newman Foundation and Hospice of Iredell County Fundraiser called "Hounds For Hospice" and I was so grateful for those that simply came to help out. Without those "donors" we would have never made it through the day and I probably would have given birth (I was 8 months pregnant on the day of the outside July event).

#3- Give to local charities. Your community is probably just as full of them as ours. You have schools that constantly send out kids with things to sell- break down and buy the box of cookies. There are non-profits that are 100% ran by donations. In our community we have the Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF)- giving money to that non-profit provides afterschool care with a Bible center (and a snack!) to elementary school children. There is always a Hospice nearby- give give give. 100% of Americans will be faced with death at some point in their lives. Losing a loved one is never easy, but Hospice is a fantastic organization that is expertly trained to ease the hurt- but again, they're a non-profit that depend on your donations.

#4- Pay it Forward! My 2nd favorite! Have you ever been in a drive thru and paid for the car behind you? Try it! You'll feel fabulous the rest of the day! The benefits are: you remain anonymous, the drivethru person can tell the next car "it's free" and "pay it forward", and you may just start a revolution in your town.

So, as we are all pinching pennies these days worrying about the next bill in the mail, just remember- at least you're fortunate enough to have bills. There are clothes on your back and food on the table. Do something for someone. You can't "over give"- and you certainly can never give more than you'll receive.

Karma works- do good and good will be done unto you.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

No Frog Wants to Stay a Tadpole Forever

Happy New Year!

Thank you to my readers across the globe- it really warms my soul to know that someone actually takes the time to click on my blog! And, I find it quite interesting that someone in Germany would be interested in my crazy American blog!

For 2012, I'm changing it up a bit- I'll still blog on health, wealth and happiness, but instead of three short blogs per week, I'll blog (longer) on one subject per week. My duties at work and at home have picked up pace (chasing a 1 1/2 year old is no easy task!)- so, I am having to reduce my time spent online a bit.

For my first blog in 2012, I'll be focusing on happiness (or lack thereof as we contemplate resolutions).
Why is it at the beginning of every new year we swarm ourselves with thoughts on how to become better? Us women always want to be thinner. Men, well, I'm not sure my man has EVER had a resolution. Most families resolve to spend more time together or to manage money better. With the 2012 new year, I had resolved to not have a resolution. However, our pastor at church had a pretty neat sermon on the 1st Sunday of the year.


Growth is a broad term. There is spiritual growth, emotional growth, family growth, and we would all like growth in our wallets along with a slimmer bill pile and reduction in waist size.

Spiritual growth can be achieved in a number of ways. Praying more, meditating more, surrounding yourself with positive people. For my personal spiritual growth, my plan is to continue praying (to say I pray often is an understatement), and to allow myself more "quiet" time- this is time I spend uninterrupted, alone, to think about life and my impact in the world (doing this while getting a pedicure or soaking the the tub is even better!). I feel like I already surround myself with positive people- my friends are wonderful and we have a fabulous church family. So, how will you grow spiritually? Attend a formalized church? Start to pray or increase your time praying? Taking some alone time? Or ridding yourself of the "dogs" in life- it's true that if you sleep with dogs you'll get fleas and no one likes fleas!!!

Emotional growth is definitely more variable depending on your current state of mind. I am more high-strung, OCD, nit-picky, etc. So, for 2012 I plan to become more emotionally stable by not letting "chores" at home consume my every thought (I am truly OCD!), I plan on thinking through my plan of attack before taking action (that is for my hubby- less fights hopefully!), and I am going to "try" to be a bigger team player at work. I feel that by completing all of these things I will become a more relaxed individual. More emotionally stable. Perhaps happier? How can you grow emotionally? If you're sad- try to find things that make you happy! If you're lazy (or complacent)- try to find things to get you off the couch! If you're distant from your family- try a game night... or maybe not....that always brings out the worst competitor in us all!

Family growth is not necessarily adding bodies at the dinner table- however that is looking to be our plan for 2013 (it's sad to add a baby to the "to-do" list for 2013). I think of family growth as family time. We can ALL use a bit more family time. My husband and I take time out (baby free) one time per week and this is time for us not to be mommy and daddy but to be husband and wife. Fridays are my day off and I like to take time with Gage to do nothing but play...and we go out to eat lunch! Saturday and Sundays are always a challenge. There are parties all over the county (a baby boom was experienced here last year!), there are family gatherings, so much to do! But, it is my goal for 2012 to maximize the time we spend with Gage...and only Gage. What's your goal for your family? More time together? More family dinners? More movie nights?

In 2012- don't stay a tadpole. Become a frog. Grow those little feet and arms- hop away to happiness.
