Thursday, August 2, 2012

BIG Project - Little Boy...Post #5

The final stretch is in sight!

This post= Embellishments.

1) I bought these prints from and the vendor "Paper Llamas"- she was Fabulous and highly recommended. She custom does the prints to match the colors of your room. They were $40 for the 4 piece set but they are printed on high quality canvas paper. They were our "splurge" for the room. But, worth it!
2) I bought the frames at the Dollar Store. Yes! The Dollar Store. They were bland and black, but that can be fixed with a little paint! I used brown, blue, black and gold to give them a personalized look. I think they turned out great!

1) I bought a wooden white letter "G" at Michaels. They're pretty cheap.
2) I found this nifty fabric in the scrapbooking section for $1.99- traced around the G and exacto knife cut the perfect shape.
3) Welcome back E-6000 glue. It'll hold anything together!

Night stand blocks:
1) I bought two sheets of scrapbook paper- one in a map motif and one with crazy numbers.
2) I printed out clip art of a plane and then the letters "FLY", used them as a template, and exacto knife cut these out of the scrapbook paper.
3) E-6000 glue came into play, AGAIN, and I glued the paper to left over cedar boards from the signs I created for the room.
4) They sit up nice and pretty all by themselves on the night stands.

The end...yeah- that'll be covered next week.

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