Friday, December 30, 2011

Girl- You Lookin' Good in those Jeans!

If there is one thing that makes every girl happy- it's a good pair of jeans!

Searching for just the perfect pair is an arduous process, but the rewards are great. Your bum is pushed up perfectly, your legs look miles long, and you can shaky shaky and look fabulous!

There are two new boutiques in Downtown Statesville that are a must visit for ALL sizes! They both have specials that run frequently, but their "non-sale" prices are still wonderful. Overall, you get what you pay for in life. If you pay more, expect more. Expect to look more fabulous, expect to feel better, and expect them to last longer. My newest purchase from the jean department is a pair of "Miss Me" jeans- and wow! They're perfect!

The two boutiques are Gracie! and Salice. Check them both out- you will not be disappointed (unless, you're in a hurry- then you'll only be mad at yourself that you can stay longer and try on hanger after hanger after hanger).

My friends LOVE these stores and I'm sure you will too (if you're from our area...or order online!).

Shake it in those jeans!

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Do Yo Chain Hang Low?!?!

Yesterday I busted out my keychain and immediately thought of that song "Do Yo Chain Hang Low"- why? Because my keychain was SO FULL of 1x2" "MVP" cards that it weighed close to a pound!

Since then, I have moved these valuable little plastic devices to my wallet in a specified area for "savings"!

A lot of people just toss these savings cards to the side, but they really are valuable money saving coupons!

Just for example (from a few of my favorite MVP card spots):
- Bi-Lo: I have swapped that thing every time I go grocery shopping and WHAM! I'm up to $1.00 off per gallon of gas (up to 20 gallons)- so that's essentially $20 in my pocket (I'm trying to get it up to $2.00 off before I use my points!)
- Toys-R-Us: I have used this card for baby showers/Gage's diapers/all online Christmas purchases/etc. and every single month I receive a minimum of $20 in coupons/vouchers. Now, they have to be used within a certain time frame (which I hate) but, they're still **free money!**
- East Coast Wings: they just started a new program and for every $1 you spend you get a point and the points are redeemable for food. We have already racked up enough points for a $20 voucher. The nice thing about this card is: you don't have to wait for the coupons to arrive in the mail. You use the same card for getting and redeeming points!
- Hallmark: I RARELY send "real" cards- everything is practically done online these days! But, for my important, special occasion shopping I use my Gold Crown Card and POOF! I have (so far) received a $5 voucher and TWO $5 off a $10 purchase. Last week, I went to Hallmark with my coupons/voucher and got 4 rolls of wrapping paper, a card and adhesive name stickers for $8.00. That's right! Beat it!

While these things do cause "yo chain to hang low"- they are a little piece of money saving heaven! So, move them to your wallet, take the strain off of your ignition, and keep saving money!

1x2 Cards are my BFF!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Holy Crap! He's Bleeding!

Auntie Meg came over to open Christmas presents last week and OF COURSE those darn toys are packaged so well that a herd of elephants couldn't break them open.

We sent Josh to get scissors to open the new bowling alley with and he comes back with wire cutters. Hmmm- wire cutters? He went on to explain the reasoning- when Meg and I were children, she cut my wrist (literally) with scissors. So, he thought it was in our best interest to use wire cutters instead.

We cut the 1,254 zip ties and got the toy out (which Gage loved) and we were reading the instructions (yes, all 3 of us reading them takes a genius to understand these toys!) and we turned around to find Gage with the wire cutters!

WOWZA! This kid is faster than Criss Angel! Heck, if I left him alone for 5 minutes outside, I bet he'd climb to the top of our roof!

Before we could scream, snatch, blink- he had pinched himself (not cut) with those pesky little things. And, yes, it bled. I cried. And, it bled. Gage was concerned (for 30 seconds) but mommy was concerned for 3 days.

Why is this on the health blog? Enter NEOSPORIN! This stuff is magical. If you have never used it, or if you've used some other brand, get the real deal. We had some in his changing station that even had pain relief. And, it has healed that nasty little blood blister quickly! Not to mention, he *probably* won't even have a scar!

Here's the link to Neosporin- they offer coupons on their website. Print you off one- save a bit of money...but, save your sanity in the long run.

Here's to those $%^%@# zip ties <3

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Its a Toy- It's fun for....17 days

With Christmas right around the corner...literally hours has got me thinking about all of the "things" that Gage is about to get- things that will be put into his (thankfully) large toy room.

I am 100% guilty- just as 100% of each of my readers are- of getting kids toys. Toys are what they want right? Yea- that's right...for all of 17 days! After that, well- they start to collect dust. But, it's the 17 days that count!

The week after Gage was born, we went directly to our bank (State Employees Credit Union) and opened an account for him called a "Fat Cat"- it is a high-interest savings account for kids under 12. While your bank may not have a specific account for kids, it is optimal to look for any type of savings that has an interest of at least 0.75%- Gage's is a 1.0%...meaning he earns 1% of his money in interest monthly.

For each celebratory occasion, I have asked immediate family member (or those that would not be offended) to put money into his account. Anyone can deposit money, but only I can access it- which is nice! So, my grandparents can drive to the credit union, give them Gage's name and boom- they can deposit without any additional information.

It is really unbelievable how excited our family is to have this option. Of course, Gage still gets toys- just not the entire budgeted amount is spent on toys. Usually 50% enters his savings and the other 50% is spent on the 17 day loved toys!

Now, why did I choose the savings account instead of a CD or bonds? Fluidity. If I want to move his money to another higher interest account or if he gets older and wants to use it as he wishes, it's there for the taking. With CD's and bonds, you don't have that fluidity. Of course, you lose a bit of interest, but it's worth the loss in my opinion. I don't like sticking money anywhere that is not accessible. And, as for the stock market- until this economy turns around, NO WAY! 

Instead of 100% toys- try to do a percentage into a savings account. They won't miss the toys and they'll appreciate the money when its time to buy a car!

Telling Santa all of the toys that he wants...

Here's to Santa visiting your home- and 17 day toys!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Pop - Lock - and - Drop It

Does your early morning routine involve poppin' it, lockin' it, and droppin' it?

Mine does!

I pop that coffee canister lid off (measure out what I want), lock the canister lid back on (remember, I have a 1 year old), and drop the coffee maker button to "on"!

After my 2nd or 3rd cup of coffee, I'm then about pop, lock and drop it in dance style fashion on my way to the bathroom!

While the cups 'o Joe are OH SO DELICIOUS and do give each of us a "pick me up" they actually have some health benefits.

In my master's program at UNC-Charlotte, I did a study on the health benefits of coffee in relation to the onset and progression of diabetes. Believe it or not, there is a very (very) small correlation. So, my diabetic husband pop, locks and drops it too- in an effort to do whatever we can to ward off his disease.

Via one of my favorite online websites ( here are some of the health benefits surrounding coffee:
A growing body of research shows that coffee drinkers, compared to nondrinkers, are:
  • less likely to have type 2 diabetes, Parkinson's disease, and dementia
  • have fewer cases of certain cancers, heart rhythm problems, and strokes
"'There is certainly much more good news than bad news, in terms of coffee and health,' says Frank Hu, MD, MPH, PhD, nutrition and epidemiology professor at the Harvard School of Public Health. But (you knew there would be a “but,” didn’t you?) coffee isn't proven to prevent those conditions. There are signs of potential health perks -- and a few cautions. If you're like the average American, who downed 416 8-ounce cups of coffee in 2009 (by the World Resources Institute's estimates), you might want to know what all that java is doing for you, or to you."

Another website ( was REALLY funny (so I wanted to include it) but FAR less reputable:
- Caffeine can kill you: but you have to drink 80-100 cups in a hurry.
- Caffeine may boost female sex drive...or this worked on RATS! Ha!
- Decaf has caffeine! What?!?!?! 10 decaffeinated cups= caffeine of 1 cup.
- Coffee was discovered by Goats. Wow. Yea, never depend on a website that lists goats as a founder.

Overall, by drinking coffee you can #1, stay awake and #2, ward off some pretty serious conditions.


Thursday, December 15, 2011

Want a Boost?

Happiness can be expressed in many forms, but apparently one of the more healthy forms is laughing!

Laughter is something that happens often around my house. I have found that it's better to laugh it off when crazy things happen than to mull over it. This has happened a lot recently. 1) My son pooped (yes, pooped) in the floor as soon as I got him out of the tub, 2) My dog consistently runs across the road to potty, making it difficult to call her in if I'm in my robe or night clothes, 3) My hubby conveniently overlooked a clump of mud left by his boots in our garage (<--well, I didn't really laugh over that one).

Visiting my 'ol trusty here's what I found about laughter doing the body good:
  • Blood flow. Researchers at the University of Maryland studied the effects on blood vessels when people were shown either comedies or dramas. After the screening, the blood vessels of the group who watched the comedy behaved normally -- expanding and contracting easily. But the blood vessels in people who watched the drama tended to tense up, restricting blood flow.
  • Immune response. Increased stress is associated with decreased immune system response, says Provine. Some studies have shown that the ability to use humor may raise the level of infection-fighting antibodies in the body and boost the levels of immune cells, as well.
  • Blood sugar levels. One study of 19 people with diabetes looked at the effects of laughter on blood sugar levels. After eating, the group attended a tedious lecture. On the next day, the group ate the same meal and then watched a comedy. After the comedy, the group had lower blood sugar levels than they did after the lecture.
  • Relaxation and sleep. The focus on the benefits of laughter really began with Norman Cousin's memoir, Anatomy of an Illness. Cousins, who was diagnosed with ankylosing spondylitis, a painful spine condition, found that a diet of comedies, like Marx Brothers films and episodes of Candid Camera, helped him feel better. He said that ten minutes of laughter allowed him two hours of pain-free sleep.
It doesn't hurt to laugh (unless it's uncontrollable and you lose your breath)- so try it! If you feel like screaming in anger- just laugh it off. You'll be happier!

He has the sweetest, most innocent laugh of all!


Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Is There a Problem with My Job?

Growing up and especially in high-school, we're all faced with the question: "what do you want to be when you grow up?" For most of us (myself included) we want to be the typical lawyer, teacher, doctor, etc. We want to be the job that we think a) pays good, b) is fun, c) fits our personality.

In my case, I got so hung-up as an adolescent on what I "thought" I wanted to be that I forgot about the other 1.2 million job titles in America. I was determined- with a capital D- to be a doctor.

My life's plan was this:
- Graduate valedictorian from North High
- Attend Wake Forest University and obtain my degree in Biology
- Ace the MCATs
- Get into Medschool (preferably an NC school)
- Become a plastic surgeon (right in-line with one of my favorite doctors- Dr. Scott Don...a brief shout-out here to this man. He is wonderful- kind, caring, humorous, and a A+ surgeon).

But, as I got further and further into my education at Wake Forest, I became less and less convinced that being a doctor is what I was supposed to do. But, HOW would I tell the world? How would I tell every person that believed in me to become a doctor that I wanted a change in plans? Since I was 7, I was going to be a doctor- this means I was on that career path for 14 years!

After taking the MCAT (doing well- not perfect- but well), and applying early to medschools- I started thinking/fretting/praying/etc. I started getting acceptance letters (from ECU), waitlist letters (from WFU and UNC)...THE TIME WAS NOW! I had to make a decision.

I was scared of what people would think, I was scared of what to do with my education (time and money spent), but I was ready to take the leap.

I now work for Union Grove Lumber as the CFO- so I deal with bankers all day and not women who want plastic surgery. I put on my blue jeans and polo shirt instead of scrubs. I bring home a paycheck just like anyone else in the working world. And, I do not see anyone that has a problem with my job. I am happy, I am content, and I am successful.

So, if you are stuck in a rut- or if you have made a lifetime decision that you think you can never change- it's not too late. The only person that will find a problem with your job is you. If you're not happy in your current or future situation- change. If you're worried about a pay change, the truth is, your happiness is worth more than extra bucks in the bank.

No problems in paradise,

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Mental Note: I am NOT an MD!

Recently, with what I consider a graceful aging period, my dad started to complain about a lack of energy.

Of course, with my "pre-med" focus at Wake Forest University, my dad feels that I should be able to answer all questions related to health concerns. The news that my dad did not get is that even after 4 years of Wake Forest education, 160k+ in tuition, numerous lab hours (and even my Masters in Health Administration)- I am NO doctor! I am qualified to answer biology answers (that's my undergrad degree) and "most" administrative answers. In other words, I can tell the family and phylum of most animals and I know how to diligently hire and fire...but I do not know what is going on with someones hemoglobin.

I went to (yeah, I know- never trust the Internet for medical information) and it pointed to him having a B-12 deficiency. We began asking around and lots of "elderly" men (those over 45, haha!!) take B-12 supplements. Dad did go to the family doctor, and viola! They found a B-12 deficiency too!

Dad decided to have the doctor write him a prescription for the injectible medication. So, on Sunday afternoon we called over my best friend, Carrie (who is professionally trained and works at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center as a step-down trauma nurse, yeah I'm proud of her), to give him the intramuscular shot. Let's be sure to mention that this needle is 1.5 inches long and carries 1ml worth of fluid. YIKES!

To get his B-12 up, he's supposed to take 1 shot per day for 5 days, then 1 per week for 4 weeks, then 1 per month for life.

Of course, Carrie can't come every day, so instead of calling the numerous other nurses in our lives, Dad hands me the dagger. I almost fainted! I am no qualified person. I begged my husband, who gives himself shots regularly since he is a diabetic, to give the shot- but he refused. I alcoholed up his arm, filled the syringe, located the muscle and went for it (all while saying a prayer and TRYING not to close my eyes!).

It was successful!

Dad has had 3 shots thus far and is already feeling more energized. So, if you have men in your life that are of the "elderly" type (over 45) and have a decreased level of energy, read about B-12 ( It's a vitamin, it's natural, and even YOU can give the shot!

Shoot 'em up!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

The Griswold's Make Me HaPpY!

Christmas decorations go up at our home the day after Thanksgiving. Yes, it is also Black Friday and I'm usually running on fumes by the time the tree exits our attic, but- they are up.

We decorate our home with two trees, two wreaths, and a nativity. That's the extent of it (easy to put up, easy to take down). However, just because we don't adorn our home with Griswold type lighting, it doesn't mean that we don't enjoy going to see these types of houses every year- and actually, I have a GREAT appreciation for these folks; and their light spectacles!

This year, we have found a new home that even has it's own radio station to go along with it's light show. WOW! They're entertainment puts the Goodnight's home to shame, but gives ol' Clark Griswold a run for his money!

As Christmas day nears, we'll be trying to find new spots to check out. If you have any recommendations for my little family- let us know!

In the meantime, enjoy this video that we shot of our new favorite hometown light show:

Also, FYI, Christmas Vacation comes on ABC Family this week! Whoohoo!

Light Up Those Trees!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Is this "Scrooge" Like Behavior?

Do you make a list, check it twice? Not only does Santa do this, but a budgeter does, too!

In this "wealth" post, I have decided to post how I do our Christmas shopping and how I save money while buying great gifts for all of those we love.

While I posted earlier on Black Friday the reality is that not ALL of our Christmas shopping can be done then; although I like to believe that I get at least 85% of it done on the Friday after Thanksgiving.

Our Christmas shopping always starts with a list and a budget. The list is created and then adjusted as needed.

First, we make a list of names for people to buy for. Of course, the top of our list is our baby boy...then grandparents...then people who's name we drew for Christmas exchanges. The list is reviewed before Black Friday by myself and my husband and we add/subtract as needed.

Second, we place a dollar figure beside each person. For Gage (our son) we put two dollar figures- one for presents and one for his savings account. For each grandparent, they got the same figure, etc. Now, keep in mind that this figure is <at least> the amount that the gift must be worth.

Third, Josh and I go through the sales papers and Groupon offers to see if there is anything listed that we know would fit one of our gift needs. If we see something, we write it on the list. If we don't see something specific, we write down what we are looking for.

Last, we shop. Now, back to the dollar figure...this is the amount that the gift must be WORTH! If it's on sale, that's to our benefit and it proves that we are smart shoppers. I don't know about you, but we don't have thousands of disposable dollars to spend on Christmas shopping. If I want to spend $100 on someone and if I find a gift that is worth $100, but I got it on Black Friday for $40, then I found myself a good deal. The recipient will never know the amount that you paid for it...hopefully they'll love it and appreciate it!

So, is it Scrooge like behavior for trying to save money on gifts during the Christmas season? In my opinion, NO! It just means you are a smart shopper!

He LOVES Santa- and opening gifts!

Save Your Dollars...And Give Gifts Galore!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Pineapple Casserole with a Tub o' Butter

With Christmas right around the corner, I'm sure that you're family is just as busy as mine. We have Christmas parties every Friday and Saturday from December 1st - January 1st. One part of me is super happy about all of these parties because it means that I do not have to think about dinner plans for my family. The other part of me starts seeing the calories rack up in all of the delicious, homemade, country cooking casseroles.

I'm not sure if your plate looks like mine at family gatherings, but I MUST sample one of everything. Who knows...that chicken casserole in the white Pyrex dish may taste totally different from the one in the clear brown glass...or at least that's my mentality!

At our last Christmas party, I entrusted Josh (who is a FABULOUS cook, I might add) to make our pineapple casserole. It is one of our family favorites and the recipe is listed below. But, in the recipe, Josh accidentally put the "1 Stick" of butter INSIDE of the casserole...while it was needed for the, he also put another stick of butter in the topping. There we have it! TWO sticks of butter in just my casserole alone. HELLO PAULA DEAN!

It was super yummy still (probably even yummier than normal). I've never heard of anyone complaining of a casserole being too buttery- so, Josh was in the clear, and his help still appreciated.

For this "health" post- I decided to put the calorie count of some of the most popular dishes at our family gatherings. This information was compiled from the appropriately named:! I hope you find them interesting as you fill your plate at your next holiday gathering. 

- Broccoli Casserole: 287 calories (11 g protein)
- Green Bean Casserole: 125 calories (4 g protein)
- Sweet Potato Casserole: 215 calories (4 g protein)
- Chicken Casserole: 500 calories (30 g protein)
- Pineapple Casserole: 219 calories (1 g protein) - how Josh made it: 367 calories...ha!

The "Under 40" Lunsford Clan at this year's Annual Christmas Party at the Union Grove Fire Department

Happy Eating those Yummy Casseroles!