Thursday, August 9, 2012


Wow! I never thought it would come to an end.

I was determined to make a personalized bedroom for our little boy and I think (think!) I accomplished just that.

Overall, we probably spent about $400 on the entire bedroom. This includes the overly priced toddler rails that keeps them from rolling out (conveniently pictured for you! Honestly, I didn't wanna take the time to remove them for the picture!). It also included the cost of the sheets and bed spread bought from Target. And, the nifty airplane blanket, and two airplane pillows bought from (for a REALLY good price!). The other larger "block" pillow I made myself- a simple pattern, but cute.

A few other things we bought:
- A small globe for the dresser
- A shelf and clock for the wall

The things we already had, thus our low  overall cost:
- Mattress
- Nightstands
- Dresser & mirror
- Lamps

If you've followed our entire progress, thanks for your time!

If you're new to what we've done, have fun looking over the past 5 posts. They'll keep you pretty entertained as we have become those CRAZY parents who will do anything for our children. No matter how much sanding and staining is involved.

Oh, I forgot to mention that we put together a 9,000 piece balsa wood model plane to hang from the ceiling. That's not pictured because I've yet to hang it. It took A LOT of time to put together and I'm 100% afraid that my 100% boy will tear it into 9,000 shreads.

Have a fantastic day!!!!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

BIG Project - Little Boy...Post #5

The final stretch is in sight!

This post= Embellishments.

1) I bought these prints from and the vendor "Paper Llamas"- she was Fabulous and highly recommended. She custom does the prints to match the colors of your room. They were $40 for the 4 piece set but they are printed on high quality canvas paper. They were our "splurge" for the room. But, worth it!
2) I bought the frames at the Dollar Store. Yes! The Dollar Store. They were bland and black, but that can be fixed with a little paint! I used brown, blue, black and gold to give them a personalized look. I think they turned out great!

1) I bought a wooden white letter "G" at Michaels. They're pretty cheap.
2) I found this nifty fabric in the scrapbooking section for $1.99- traced around the G and exacto knife cut the perfect shape.
3) Welcome back E-6000 glue. It'll hold anything together!

Night stand blocks:
1) I bought two sheets of scrapbook paper- one in a map motif and one with crazy numbers.
2) I printed out clip art of a plane and then the letters "FLY", used them as a template, and exacto knife cut these out of the scrapbook paper.
3) E-6000 glue came into play, AGAIN, and I glued the paper to left over cedar boards from the signs I created for the room.
4) They sit up nice and pretty all by themselves on the night stands.

The end...yeah- that'll be covered next week.