Recently, with what I consider a graceful aging period, my dad started to complain about a lack of energy.
Of course, with my "pre-med" focus at Wake Forest University, my dad feels that I should be able to answer all questions related to health concerns. The news that my dad did not get is that even after 4 years of Wake Forest education, 160k+ in tuition, numerous lab hours (and even my Masters in Health Administration)- I am NO doctor! I am qualified to answer biology answers (that's my undergrad degree) and "most" administrative answers. In other words, I can tell the family and phylum of most animals and I know how to diligently hire and fire...but I do not know what is going on with someones hemoglobin.
I went to (yeah, I know- never trust the Internet for medical information) and it pointed to him having a B-12 deficiency. We began asking around and lots of "elderly" men (those over 45, haha!!) take B-12 supplements. Dad did go to the family doctor, and viola! They found a B-12 deficiency too!
Dad decided to have the doctor write him a prescription for the injectible medication. So, on Sunday afternoon we called over my best friend, Carrie (who is professionally trained and works at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center as a step-down trauma nurse, yeah I'm proud of her), to give him the intramuscular shot. Let's be sure to mention that this needle is 1.5 inches long and carries 1ml worth of fluid. YIKES!
To get his B-12 up, he's supposed to take 1 shot per day for 5 days, then 1 per week for 4 weeks, then 1 per month for life.
Of course, Carrie can't come every day, so instead of calling the numerous other nurses in our lives, Dad hands me the dagger. I almost fainted! I am no qualified person. I begged my husband, who gives himself shots regularly since he is a diabetic, to give the shot- but he refused. I alcoholed up his arm, filled the syringe, located the muscle and went for it (all while saying a prayer and TRYING not to close my eyes!).
It was successful!
Dad has had 3 shots thus far and is already feeling more energized. So, if you have men in your life that are of the "elderly" type (over 45) and have a decreased level of energy, read about B-12 ( It's a vitamin, it's natural, and even YOU can give the shot!
Shoot 'em up!
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