Thursday, July 26, 2012

BIG Project - Little Boy...Post #4

Do projects for our kids ever end? I'm believing- NO!

Here is project #4 for the man of the house...well, little man of the house. We better keep daddy as the main man of the house ;)


We were cleaning out my parent's pool shed and look at what we found! An old speaker storage case. My dad was in a gospel quartet in his younger years and he had this box from when they would travel. He was going to throw it away- it was an ugly blue- but I thought...I can SAVE THIS!

Again, we had to cure the ugly blue syndrome. This was done using Rust Stop primer. Why? Because I didn't want it to be shiny! I wanted a rustic luggage looking box. And, I accomplished just that!

It took some time to paint to make sure that we didn't cover any of the pretty silver embellishements.

Once it dried, I painted "Gage Preston Airlines" using the same antiqued white as the cedar signs.

I bought vintage luggage tags (adhesive ones) from for $10.00. There were 20 in the box! And, I think they're super cool looking!

Gage loves the box. He especially loves to hide in it.

So far, no toys are kept in it- it's a little hard to open. But, give that a few more months, he'll master the lock and key ;)

Hope you love it as much as we do!

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