Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Don't Forget the Hubby...

On today's post about happiness, I have decided to remember the hubby.

When us ladies become wives, sometimes we forget about our friends...but, when we become mothers we ALWAYS forget about the hubby!

During marriage counceling (we had to complete a 6 week course before we could get married at our church), our family pastor warned us of this- forgetting the husband/wife once kids come into the picture. "Yeah, right!" I thought. But, oh so true the fact is.

To remember my hubby, I have penciled in recurring appearances every Tuesday until the day we die- DATE NIGHT! That's how we remember each other- by scheduling a date night every single Tuesday.

Date night before kids happened often- we could run over to the movies, we could go out to eat in peace, we could go shopping (my husband's favorite activity- cue sarcasm!)...ANYTHING. But, once you add a little life into the picture going to the movies is impossible due to a wiggle worm (sit still for 3 hours, are you kidding?!?!?), going out to eat is not in peace (lots of toys, books, food throwing, etc.), and shopping- ha! I haven't bought myself or my husband anything since August 26, 2010 (the date of Gage's birth).

Every Tuesday, Josh's mom comes to keep Gage and we leave...only for a few hours- but these few hours are a LIFE SAVER (aka: marriage saver). We don't always do something romantic, but we always have a good time. We try to limit the conversation to nothing work related and nothing involving problems (but that's pretty impossible too, what woudl we have to talk about??) and we also try not to look at our phones unless the text/phone rings- just incase it's a problem with Gage.

Date night makes me one happy girl. Last night was date night and we went to a "new" restaurant (really its been there for years, but we've been too scared to try it!)- Chopstix. YUMMMY! We highly recommend it! We also did some "Santa" shopping- something that is hard to do with a kid in the buggy!

Our other favorite hot-spots for all you locals reading my blog are:
1- Mezzaluna (downtown Statesville)
2- 1849 Pizza Factory (on Hwy 21)
3- Olive Garden
4- Outback

So, for all you mama's out there (current or future) remember you were a wife first. Give your husband some least for 3 hours a week!

Josh and I- about 7 months pregnant...

Josh and I in 2009 on the Oregon Coast (b-e-a-utiful!)

Have a fabulous weekend...and get out with your guy- you'll be a happy girl too!

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